"I'm beginning to learn that 95% OB 
   is not enough...and 85% is much 
  worse......but 75% is pretty good." 
          KwickLabs  Sept., 2006

January 1, 2024
- Monday...high of 32°F and just a bit of snow. The driveway is clear and there has been no need to shovel or crank up the snowblower.

Jan 2-18...bitter cold with snow...Gigi and Pounce did not want to go out in the airing yard. Then the door to their outside airing yard become froze shut.  Each paw would be jerked up from the very cold freezing snow and ice. Around the 15th the temperatures plunged into the negative teens and remained there. To add to our difficulties the furnace quit working. We do have a Heatilator wood burning fireplace that helped some plus one electric heater. The heated pool room was used to funnel "some" heat into the house, but the third floor bedrooms were not very comfortable. The old furnace had to be replaced because the repairman detected enough carbon monoxide that any attempted repair would be against the code. Today is a good warm day...inside...new furnace!!!
The fireplace was a life saver and any cold damage was avoided.
Jan 19, Friday - high of 10°F...house is cozy WARM!!!
Jan 20-31....The rest of this month was cold with some snow....not all that bad for January..  

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