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                                                   Balancing “The Game” For Gigi

 This is an analysis on how to create a smoother flow to "The Game”. The premise was
        maintaining "individual components in balance" will increase effectiveness.

              Any additional observations are often useful. Gigi is......
        1. cautious with new spaces…almost “clammy” entering or exiting
        2. very “Yappy” when knowing she can be heard
        3. very good with established routines (quick study….excellent
            memory….avoid mistakes) 
        4. aware of everything going on around her
        5. content when Pounce is next to her in another crate (comforting)

The “First Step” was to identify any/all the components in random order.
A rating of 1-4 was given for each component with 1 = very good & 4 = weakest
         note: These are descriptors of Gigi and a 4 is not necessarily bad.
         note: Retrieving an object separate from "The Game" is not an issue. Not
                   doing it IN "The Game" is the issue. 
                rating        components  
                    1       1. ease of exciting
                    1       2. the toss focus
                    1       3. the chase
                    1       4a. when does "fetch" become verbal (just started today)
                    1       4b. the initial retrieve capability (potential)
                    4       5. returns during "The Game"
                    1       6. distance (less than 10 yards)
                    4       7. engagement (eye contact)
                    1       8. the objects (several different kinds)
                    3-      9. the trainer’s agility
                    1     10. the pup’s excitement level (potential)
                    1     12. Traffic Cop sit
                    1     13. conditioned to long lead
                    2     14. stays “engaged” at a distance with trainer on walks
                    2     15. level of “here” capabilities at a distance

                    4     16. level of “here” capabilities up close
                    1     17. up close casting to "placeboard"
                    1     18. known (taught) up close commands - sit, down, whoa 

With respect to the "fetch" command, that process began today. The above was the rationalization. When introducing the Hillmann "fetch" command, it is a leap and snatch right out your hand (very close). The reward is immediate and very exciting. Wanting to do it again is much is easier and simply done when the pup is "right there" on the lead. To repeat...getting it back is immediate because of the lead and physically being very close (more influence).  
                note: The last was re-stated for more emphasis.
The sequence is a rapid fire "fetch"....."I got it!" "Here take it and let's do that again". The reward for giving back on a  short return is almost immediate (very close) and especially effective because distance erodes "want to". Eventually, the "want to" response distance can be extended. "I am way out here now and just made this retrieve. Now I will go back and receive another reward." For some driven pups distance simply turns into "just me" (not us).

              Adrenaline and distance are at times a poor combination.

note: subject to updates