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Today is March 31st.  Pounce and Gigi will be returning this week after two months of
excellent training in Arkansas. The only problem is master tests and derby events are
not going to happen for quite some time. It is April and my thoughts are dwelling more
on what kind of a blind do I want to build for our October goose hunts. 

KwickLabs retrievers train regularly with birds. Most of the time it is mallards. However, there are moments when they retrieve chukars and pheasants. A regular supply of birds is important and they are not inexpensive. To make the supply economical, refreezing and using more than once is necessary. Therefore, I have a dedicated chest freezer that has a space of 8.8 cubic feet. This morning, I did the 
 yearly defrosting, sorting and inventory process. I have twenty mallards and eighteen pheasants (all game farm raised). This is a $400 ballpark, original purchase value. So as to stretch the expense of training birds, they are used repeatedly. A regular routine has been established that keeps them in good shape. The following four photos reveal before defrosting and afterwards.  

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Each bird is individually wrapped in a newspaper that is two layers thick. We do not subscribe to the local newspaper, but discovered long ago that the local, weekly "shopper" sells the end rolls. I simply tear off enough to double wrap each bird. 

Just before training, birds are removed from their newspaper wraps and kept in the cooler (before and after use). When finished, the original wraps (which are now often dry) are placed back on each bird for transporting home. Upon arrival, the now usually wet newspaper is removed for drying and fresh paper is placed back on it before going in the freezer. Drying and thawing is controlled by altering the time under an overhead ceiling fan with birds resting on top of a wire dog crate. This may seem timing consuming, but it goes rather quickly (conserving birds and money). When a duck nears "the end", it is often used one last time as a soggy, sinking duck single.
        note: Pheasants are an exciting change of pace for land (marks and blinds).