Jan 4 A warm, indoor, evening heeling session
note: the last few sessions of heeling worked into stage #9 and Pounce's
response to this lesson was rapid and effective
Jan 5 Pounce was taken to do an extended session of warm "distraction" heeling in the lumber aisles of Lowes Building Supplies "Big Box". This session moved on into Stage #10 which is distraction introductions. In the "program", distractions are introduced in field work. With this being January and cold, we are not doing much. However, since distractions are required, the next best alternative is people. Pounce always has issues with individuals at the line in tests. She has evidently been conditioned to seek attention. She likes it. It is in her nature to not ignore people and wants to interact. Therefore, Lowes heeling sessions are perfect for dealing with this issue. The staff will interact or ignore depending on what you want. Today, we spent a great deal of time just walking near and right by as if they weren't there. It was good to see that conditioned responses kept her focused more on staying in the heeling position. However, for awhile, her walk had an "antsy shimmy" to it as we walked right on by several employees. It was a good session with a visual, measurable difference at the finish. Next up is more practice and repetition.
note: On January 22, Pounce will be three months into Hillmann's"Heeling"
note: Conditioned Responses attained by seamless presentations via precise
practice and many, many correct repetitions are not anything like the
"wishing well" promises of a "two week quick fix".
Jan 6 At 10 am Saturday morning +1°F....Sunday it will be +28°F with temporary warm up.
note: Pounce did an indoor heeling session using sound distractions - a Dogtra
remote ("quacks and beeps") with a GunzUp CD playing in the background
Jan 7,8 two days off for trainer.....sick with a "nasty" sore throat and cold
Jan 9 35°F Pounce began stage #10 in Hillmann's Heeling Program - field distractions. We trained at the Harrison DTA A setup of three Gunners Up remote wingers with Dogtra Electronics (duck quacks and beeps) with primer loads on the first set (forgot on the second). Pounce has already "encountered" the correction phase of the program and only gave me a slight reason to do so in this session. That one correction was "kind of" manipulated even though she was doing so well.
Pounce's heeling expectations were given a very "vigorous, challenging" session and she responded well. Since there are still three more months in the plan (until the end of March), I was somewhat surprised at how well today's six singles were done. The next few weeks will be interesting. Pounce has always learned "stuff" quickly and we have been moving very slowly through the process. The plans are to continue being methodical because going slower is often faster over the "long haul". Since there are still three more months (until the end of March), Pounce is right on track for the desired conditioned responses.
Jan 10 warmer at 45°F.....repeated yesterday's setup (plus a forth winger) in a different position near the main gate (to avoid getting stuck). The singles were slightly longer (using the south wind) with three "Son of Guns" and a larger "Original Gunners Up". They were aimed to produce four wide AOFs. As usual in cold weather, 3" camo foam bumper were used. Again, the session focus was to continue in the process of developing a reliable heeling standard. The foundation of this is Hillmann's Heeling Program. The final goal is to have a retriever with responsiveness as it relates to heeling. "This is where I want/need to be until told otherwise"....a conditioned response. Today.....I could feel it!
There is a difference between performing a skilled action because a reward is
expected vs. doing so because it is a conditioned response.
There is difference between doing something because I have to vs. doing so
because this is simply what I do.
Jan 11 Pounce "breezed" three different lines to a 200 yard point blind at the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA for a quick exercise session.
Jan 12 Friday...high was 21°F with a single digit wind chill Setup two wingers to run two doubles with cold blinds in a "flip-flop" set up. The most important part of the day was the continuing heeling and line responsiveness progress. (big "thumbs up")
note: another good day in the field and no snow!
Jan 13 at 1 PM it is cold, 12°F wind chill of 0°F......no field training, day off
Jan 14 Sunday....9 PM +5°F wind chill -4°F....at 1:30 pm is was 18°F wind chill +4°F and not
all that comfortable. The triple was set up with the memory as a longer mark through the inline "go bird" and after picking up the other mark off to the right side. She "drove" straight to the long memory with no hesitation or confusion. Both blinds were sharp, too. It has been awhile since she's done any triples.....did not seem to make a difference.
note: This was the most field distraction exposure Pounce has had to deal
with since she began Hillmann's heeling program toward the end of
September (last year). She was not absolutely perfect and close is not good enough. However, we have several more months until any tests.
Jan 15 In the early morning.....removed 4" of snow from the driveway. There will be no training today other than the usual heeling session on the pool deck.
Jan 16 Snow and cold were enough to not do any field training. However, in the evening
Pounce did some retrieving on the pool deck of bumpers thrown by Lylah (my eight year old autistic granddaughter).
Jan 17 at 8:30 AM...four inches of snow on the ground, +1°F with a wind chill of -10°F
Around 1:30 PM, Pounce ran four new lines from the south to a point blind (exercise).
Jan 18 day off for all.....As of lately, all Pounce's "free time", in the house OB (especially the heeling standard "off lead") is being practiced 24/7.
Jan 19 Trained five minutes from the house at Thorson Pond in the "grassy area" (covered with snow). The plan was to setup two wingers in a "pod" to practice heeling to the line and at the line focus. The first four "runs" were singles and Pounce is in the "distraction phase" of Hillmann's heeling program. Therefore, everything is focused on precise movement and sit. The session began with four remote winger singles (two in two sets) with Dogtra "quacks 'n beeps" plus the primer shot. The last four marks were thrown in two "pod set" doubles.
Jan 20 Roscoe Riverside Park DTA provided a productive training session focusing on Hillmann's heeling distraction phase. Two videos were recorded for a film study analysis. It is not always "just the dog" that needs practice.
Jan 21 Rain will not begin until around 2 PM. Therefore, another session in a sequence building on an analysis of yesterday's videos will be done at Riverside Park DTA. Pounce's heeling is presently demonstrating a very good, responsive "habit" of being in the right position no matter how I move. What needs more work is to keep the motion when in the sitting position "less active". Moving less frequently with longer pauses between any heeling will provide more emphasis on the sit. In addition, the "count to ten" routine before a release (from "sit") will be consistently practiced. ("action" with less motion and more precision)
note: Videos provide instant perspective. There are two possibilities.
They are "How To" and "How Not To". Objectivity is a skill. The
meaning of objectivity is easy to remember, when you see the
word "object" embedded within it.
Setup three remote wingers farther north and ran three sets of three singles using two Dokkens and a 3" camo, foam bumper. The approach was to reduce the amount of heeling motion and emphasize no motion on sit. All releases were done after a slow count to ten. The Dogtra "quack and "beep" plus a duck call at the line were used before each single. In addition, each of the nine repetitions were done precisely the same way. For Pounce, It was one of those "I get this!" moments. The precise practice phase is next.....repetition.
note: this was a major distraction session and it went extremely well
note: There were no corrections ....just two-way responsiveness (show me)
note: "busy" feet disappeared and were replaced with an intense focus
The "adjustments" in today's session were caused by reflecting on advice received
early on from my Hillmann mentor (Jim Wegner). If training is not going well, look at
what YOU need to do differently for success. Re-viewing yesterday's videos revealed
the "adjustments". The one area that is weak with Pounce is motion while sitting.
The idea of using pressure to make her NOT move was unacceptable because there
will be times when MAKING her not do it will not be possible (during tests). The
reality that "moving" demonstrated a lack of responsiveness indicated the best
way to deal with this was to increase and/or modify responsiveness.
Indirectly (as this relates to sitting), Hillmann's heeling program greatly increased
her responsiveness. She Is "glued to my side" and comfortable (when heeling). No
matter where I move (or how fast), she is right there (a conditioned response). This
seemed to have a "domino effect" on the sit command. She responds to it differently
because of the newly developed responsiveness from heeling repetitions. A retriever
is not likely to be selectively responsive. Either they are or they are not. Essentially,
the newly developed, responsive "heel" expectation/standard had a direct, positive
impact on the meaning of "sit". Hillmann talks about the usefulness of "The Game".
There are "Games Within the Game".
Jan 22 Pounce ran four blinds (from the west) to a point blind position. See photo on Jan 17 (green lines). Pounce was muddy when we finished. The river was thawed out some near the bank next to where we parked and a two yard retrieve from the river made her yellow again.
Jan 23 There is fresh snow on the ground plus it is windy and cold. After four very productive days in the field, a warm, short, fun, indoor session seems appropriate.
note: Last night was spent watching a new, well done, exciting Hillmann
video production "The Game" starring my mentor - Jim Wegner and
his "pack". This is another "gem".
note: Pounce will be attending eight sessions of an AKC OB class in March.
The rational for this is exposure to additional distractions. Generally,
a dozen or more trainers and their dogs are working in close proximity.
This atmosphere is a wonderful "change of pace". Retrievers in tests
are in the field essentially alone, but there are often a lot of "people
and dog" distractions at the line.
Jan 24 Pounce trained at the Roscoe Riverside DTA Three wingers (again) were set up in a different area. Three sets of three singles were run from three different lines. The third set consisted of singles thrown from behind the line. In addition, after each set, a much longer cold blind was run (different spots & much farther than any singles). The focus was on practicing line expectations.....consistent "reps" with no motion responsiveness.
note: each of the three setups began with "The Game"
note: one single in each set was run "bird in mouth"
note: specifically practiced heeling before, during and after the session
note: each release was after a "no motion and count to ten" routine
note: duck call at the line, "Dogtra quacks 'n beeps" with no primer report
Jan 25 Thursday forecast high is 40°F - day off from outside, but did an inside session. Pounce practiced - working on close "game" eye contact.....enhancing responsiveness
note: also, went to Hillmann's "blog" to review several YouTube videos
Jan 26 Friday trained at the Roscoe Riverside DTA and did three remote winger doubles with two having a cold blind. Again this was practice on the line standard expectation. The three "runs" were "measured" by taking videos of each and combining those into one video. We are not yet at the precise standard, but she is getting closer. Her enthusiasm is contagious.
Jan 27 Setup a another "look" at Roscoe Riverside Park DTA in a different area and simplified. Ran two sets of three singles focusing on the four "points" above. With "just" singles, this reduced distractions and much "better" reps took place. The third set was two singles each with a poison bird blind and paused before each cast (only two casts on each one with longer blinds than yesterday). Simplifications made a significant improvement.
note: There will be no testing until late June which means we have four
months to practice on line standards.
Jan 28 Pounce has been practicing "at the line" quite a bit lately. In order to change things up a bit for balance, today's setup was a "just go get them" day. Nine singles at the Harrison Road DTA were in the "stand alone/send back" mode.
Jan 29 Monday with a high 26°F Pounce had the day off from field training. However, she did a very good session working "line standards" in the heated, indoor training area. The focus was precise "reps" of proper heeling and sit positions (both sides) plus a review of the "whoa" command. In AKC OB class dog must "stand for examination" and Pounce was simply taught with a different command. In the middle of March, Pounce is signed up for an AKC OB class which will provide six weekly sessions of an hour with very close "distractions" from about a dozen dogs and their trainers.
Jan 30 repeated yesterday
Jan 31 Pounce worked on nine "distraction" singles at the Riverside Park DTA.
The rest of Pounce's Hillmann heeling program
efforts will be in the monthly journals.
There is a difference between doing something
because I have to vs. doing so because this is simply what I do. by "Pounce"
Pounce's Heeling "Yard-Work"
"related links"
Copyright © kwickLabsii. All rights reserved
There are several steps in Hillmann's new DVD on "Heeling". Pounce has already begun some of them from information provided in other Hillmann YouTube videos. Therefore, Pounce has a fairly solid foundation of a few of the early segments. So as to not go into details about the DVD, a journal will record our progress. The program is divided into several steps (stages). This journal will be kept to identify the stage Pounce is in and when each one is completed.
A YouTube video was made September 21st as somewhat of a reference point (sort of an initial perspective). When Pounce finishes the program a similar video will be made for comparison. The goal is to complete this process by the end of March, 2018.
Pounce will start at the beginning with video lesson #1 and each stage when competed will become part of this checklist. There are 16 lessons and this will be essentially a "log in" entry process with roughly about 7-10 days devoted to each segment. Each training session will be recorded along with an entry date. September 22nd will be day one of the plan.
Sept 22 Pounce began the present approach with Hillmann's "Heeling" Video #1 and at the this time her skill set is such that we will continue to work on it for about a week (many more correct "reps") and then move on to Video #2. She was exited, animated and flawless (no distractions).
note: only a morning session today as the temperature at 4 pm was 93°F
note: She's already practiced at this skill level...for quite some time (due to
information provided in Hillmann's "Advanced Fundamentals" DVDs
Sept 23 another HOT day....Pounce did only a morning session of "heeling" ala Hillmann's #1
note: excellent session.....two more hot days
Sept 24 Pounce repeated the work for session #1 and (as explained previously) has been doing the required drill/skill many times in the last month.....time to move on to Lesson #2
Sept 25 another hot day - "Heeling" #2 was done easily...many more precise repetitions required
note: one more terribly warm day and then field training will be back in the mix
Sept 26 worked a bit on heeling during a remote marking setup
Sept 27 day off - much cooler......worked on the boat blind
Sept 28 In the evening Pounce did another session of the 2nd step in Hillmann's heeling process.
Sept 29-30 did not work specifically on heeling. However, most any activity around the house (airing, etc.) and during field work will include heeling. The ultimate goal in the process is to use the sequential sessions to develop reliable heeling skills during high levels of distractions.
Oct 1 Pounce did two sessions remaining at level #2
note: There are 16 levels and the plan is to finish before the end of March '18.
Oct 2 repeated Yesterday - two heeling sessions.....remaining in stage #2 (upbeat & fun)
Oct 3,4 days off (for Pounce)
note: There will be roughly one level every two weeks and two critical components of each session are precise repetition and fun.
Oct 5,6,7 Pounce worked in the yard on sessions focusing on heeling (still in stage #2).
Oct 8 Pounce worked twice (yard) - Hillmann's Stage #2 "Heeling" (precise practice, more reps)
Oct 9-12 Pounce did one session per day of very active "yard-work" and "heeling reps"
note: Pounce - Stage #2 "reps" ala Hillmann's Heeling DVD have Pounce ready to move
on to stage #3 next week (in four more days - Oct. 16th) It ls time to make a video
of her progress. In addition, it should be mentioned that the standard for each
level will be "practiced" 24/7 - in the house, when taken to/from the airing yard
(kept inside) and to/from the van on trips for training sessions
Oct 13 Pounce did one "heeling" session late in the afternoon.
Oct 14,15 Pounce worked two sessions of Hillmann's Stage #3 "Heeling" mixed in were several retrieves for exercise (twice each day)
Oct 16 we continued Hillmann's heeling conditioning (in the yard). Stage #3 is solid and "reps" are mounting. To repeat: a great deal of stages #1,2,3 had already been covered before starting the Hillmann heeling process . Stage #4 is new and she will move along at a thorough pace.
Oct 17 Pounce was trained two sessions on the standards described in Hillmann's Stage #4 of his heeling process. She was ready for stage #4 and both sessions went very well.
Oct 18 refer to Oct 20 input......main focus was on upcoming early goose hunting
Oct 19 Pounce did two sessions of Hillmann's Heeling in stage #4
Oct 20, 21, 22 She did not work specifically on a heeling session. However, in the house and going to the airing yard is practice.
Oct 23 Pounce did a lengthy session of stage #4 with a Dokken for excitement (rather than a small white bumper).
note: The plan is to remain in stage #4 longer than the initial stages. This is because
much of the first three stages were practiced before buying the heeling DVD.
Oct 24 Pounce repeated yesterday's session (both were partially preparing Pounce for geese)
Oct 25-30 no field training - goose hunt "prep" and hunt (two geese retrieved)
One thing that I have noticed lately in the house is that when moving down the seven
steps to the lower level, Pounce may scoot on down the landing and suddenly realize
she is not next to me (because I stopped) and she will quickly re-position herself at
heel on the fourth step. She knows where I am and is much more responsive to where
she is supposed to be. This identifies the final expectation of always being aware
even in the face of distractions.
note: still practicing in stage #4 every day
Oct 29 Pounce is in heat.
Nov 1,2 no training (other yardwork - leaves)
Nov 3 Pounce had an exceptionally good day working on stage #4 of Hillmann's heeling program. Excitement was provided by Dokkens (one big goose and two smaller ducks).
Nov 4 did a session of Hillmann's stage #4 heeling process. This went extremely well (using two Dokken "reward" mallards to enhance the excitement level).
Nov 5 Pounce did session of heeling repeating the stage #4 process.
Nov 6 no heeling work today
Nov 7 Pounce did a Stage #4 session of Hillmann's heeling process with two real geese used as "the game" aspect of this "yard work" (energy and focus was high...very high!)
Nov 8,9,10 Pounce did one session of stage #4 of Hillmann's heeling program each day
Nov 11-15 Each of the five days Pounce did animated work on Hillmann's stage #4 heeling program. She is more than ready to move on into stage #5.
Nov 16 day ....it should be noted that EVERY time the dogs are taken out to be aired Pounce is doing Hillman’s heeling routine
Nov 17 Pounce began stage #5 in Hillmann's heeling program - "Practice"
Nov 18 Pounce had a change of pace today. The daily scouting for geese was done around noon. Then we headed for Lowe's Lumber for a store "walk around" working on her heeling skills. The back aisles with lumber have very few shoppers on a cold winter day. There we can move about working on her "heeling" and gradually shift closer to a "shopper" or three. There were no attempts to actually interact (I am sure she wanted to). The "session" was very good including the loose lead standard. Session #6 warns about "testing".
Nov 19 Pounce did her usual "heeling practice". Besides the actual yard-work sessions, every trip to the airing yard (from the house and back) provides practice.
Nov 20 Pounce ran four remote winger walk-ups and a double. The sequence was two walk-ups before and after the double. This session went extremely well as Pounce's skills with heeling have come a long way.
Nov 21 This evening Pounce began the regular, daily, late evening, heeling sessions in
the heated, indoor training area (practice).
Tentative Schedule for the rest of Nov and into Dec
"focus on Hillmann's heeling program and finish off the goose hunting season"
Nov 22 This evening Pounce "worked" the regular heeling session. For the next several weeks, a session (or two) of heeling will be done every day plus the evening, indoor session and not run anything that will TEST the present level of heeling skills.
Nov 23 Pounce repeated the Hillmann # 6 heeling session (late evening and indoors). Correct "reps" (practice) eventually create reliable, conditioned responses.
note: will continue with level #6 until the middle of next week
Nov 24 Pounce did another late evening stage #6 heeling drill in the warm, indoor training area. With practically zero distractions, it is very simple to repeat many very precise "reps". Pounce will do three more days of stage #6 with outside sessions plus a late evening (indoor each day). On the 29th (Tuesday), she will begin stage #7.
Nov 25 Pounce did an early afternoon "yard" session of stage #6 heeling and she was very good. Her late night "indoor" heeling session was animated, fun and precise.
Nov 26 warmer with 17 mph winds....Pounce did an early afternoon "yard" session of stage #6 heeling and she was very good. Her late night heeling session was animated, fun and precise.
Nov 27 Pounce ran seven Stand Alone/Send Back/Walking Singles at the Harrison DTA......Going back to the van, we worked on Hillmann's Stage #6 Heeling Standards.
Around mid-night, Daisy and Pounce were "aired". Pounce then was worked in the heated area
on Hillmann's stage #6 (heeling) and that went extremely well (more reps and practice).
Nov 28 Aired at midnight and Pounce "finished off" stage #6 of Hillmann's heeling process in the warm, indoor training area.
Nov 29 Pounce trained at the Rockton Sports Complex (late morning)......did blinds). On the way back to the van Pounce worked on Hillmann's stage #6 heeling. Tomorrow she begins stage #7
Nov 30 Pounce did several walking singles......On the way back to the van (after the last single) we "practiced" stage #7 in Hillmann's heeling program.
Dec 1 Pounce worked an extended session of Stage #7 from Hillmann's Heeling program. She trained in a new area and the scent in this grassy area was distracting. Every time her nose went down, we stopped and she sat. Since sniffing the ground was not providing what she wanted, heeling became the focus. This session then went much like what was presented in Hillmann's heeling video (good start).
Dec 2 no training for a day....trainer eye issues
Dec 3 during the field work (doubles), Pounce "worked" a session of Hillmann's Stage #7 heeling.
Dec 4 Pounce did doubles in the same format as yesterday - When each double was completed, Pounce "practiced" the skill set from Hillmann's stage #7 heeling all the way back to the van (three times)
Dec 5 "nasty" weather....Pounce did an afternoon session of Hillmann's Heeling Program (stage #7) in the indoor area and an evening second session recording a video for review.
Dec 6 Pounce trained in the evening (indoor, heated training area). Using the video from the previous day, the focus was first on "seeing" what needed to be improved so as to make practice more precise and effective. Next, a much improved routine was run and repeated often. The immediate result was the expectations were better defined and easier to replicate. In essence, the session was not as "choppy" (more seamless). The camera "sees all" and can present a useful perspective (if one observes objectively).
note: Pounce is not the only one that needs to "adjust".
Dec 7 Winter arrived. Around noon, Pounce was taken to Lowe's Home Improvement store to work on Hillmann's heeling program. She is well into stage #7 and the empty lumber aisles provide a large, warm area to train in. This time of the year there is rarely any activity in this section of the store. The aisles are very wide and long. The best thing is the warmth. Pounce had a very productive session with many precise repetitions. With Hillmann's process, work is energetic and fun.
note: Hillmann mentions early on that distractions will be added later once the focus and
skills are established. Pounce is highly motivated by scent and often times this
"gets in the way" when working in grassy areas. Scent is very distracting. The
lumber yard aisles are essentially sterile. They provide the ideal environment to
focus on her heeling conditioned responses. This was an excellent session.
Dec 8 Pounce's heeling process with Hillmann's program moved on to Stage #8. At 2 PM we trained in the "grassy area" east of Thorson Pond. The temperature was 35°F with a wind chill of 17°F. The sun was out and it was actually pleasant. Pounce did a very good job of heeling and the excitement level was kept high during the session (not only with our close "bumper game" but with four short, easy blinds evenly spaced in between the heeling work). This added even more excitement to the session. Pounce is extremely "upbeat" in this effort and her responsiveness has progressed to a much higher level. The "OK, what's next?" body language is now more of a regular "thing". Then again she has always been a quick study. However, every once in awhile the teacher (trainer) fails to present a clear picture.
note: A recent heeling issue with Pounce was a penchant to put her nose down and
"scour" grassy ground for scent. She did not do that when walking the aisles at
Lowe's (no stimulating scent). The "issue" was quickly resolved during this
session. Every time her nose began to move down, Pounce was asked to sit with
the normal "verbal sit and nick" (low level re-enforcement). Within a few minutes
Pounce decided "sniffing the ground when heeling was not worth it." In addition,
an effort to increase visual/verbal interactions with her trainer was practiced.
Hillmann suggests to verbally and physically maintain "contact" with the dog.
Another layer of responsiveness was produced using attractive alternatives.
note: All my previous retrievers went though this very same issue. A few well timed
"applications" of the heeling stick had them deciding "sniffing the ground when
heeling was not worth it." However, there is a difference.
Dec 9,10 These cold and windy days were somewhat avoided by simply working indoors with Pounce. She is now in stage #8 of Hillmann's Heeling program and did one session each day.
Dec 11 The cold and windy weather is quickly "getting old" and there are still three months of it. Around 2 PM, Pounce did a yard session of heeling in Stage #8 of Hillmann's program.
Dec 12 At noon, it was 20°F with a wind chill of 7°F. Daisy and Pounce were asleep in the living room which seemed like a good enough "session" for me.
Dec 13 Pounce trained at the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA (afternoon, low 30's, stiff breeze). The setup was a modified version of Hillmann's Star Drill. The purpose was to practice lining and handling plus provide exercise. The five stakes were picked up by heeling around the circumference doing the heeling skills "described" in Hillmann's stage #8 of his heeling program.
Nov 14 It is cold. Pounce went to Lowe's and worked in the large, warm aisles back in the lumber section. She did a very good session of Hillmann's heeling program - stage #8.
note: After a few more "reps" like today (practice), she will move on to stage #9.
Nov 15 too cold and windy.....for any field work.....10 degrees warmer and less wind tomorrow
note: decided to repeat the heeling routine that Pounce did at Lowe's yesterday and
that went extremely well. Who would have thought that heeling is exciting!
Nov 16 Pounce did a heeling routine (Hillmann's Stage #8) on the long walk back to the van after the 2nd KRD field session.
note: There 16 Stages (in Hillmann's heeling process)
This page is updated roughly once a week with
excerpts from the daily journal.
Dec 17 Sunday - Pounce ran a pin-point marking drill at the Harrison DTA. Pounce did a session of heeling practice from the "gun station" to the video camera.
Dec 18-21 Pounce did field setups every day. When moving in and out of the field the heeling practice was a regular focus. In addition, every time the dogs are aired from the house there Is
heeling practice going on.
Dec 22 no field work.....but the routines around the house are more "practice"
note: Pounce (we) are approximately half-way there. It's been three months
plus the previous work done before beginning the heeling program.
Dec 23 very good day in the field with some heeling work in the process plus the usual routines at home
Dec 24-25 not training......but all daily routines involved heeling properly
Dec 26 at noon it is 3°F, feels like -11°F - trained two very good sessions of heeling (pool room)
Dec 27 At noon, it is 3°F, feels like -9°F (déjà vu). Today, Pounce did two indoor heeling sessions. This was the last practice of stage #8 in Hillmann's Heeling DVD.
Dec 28 cold.....did not train
Dec 29 Pounce "graduated" to stage #9....the "Introduction To Distractions" indoors.
note: did a YouTube Video for visual perspective
Dec 30 At 4:30 PM it is 1°F with a wind chill of -14°F.....and not a creature is stirring. Pounce did one indoor heeling session at midnight and it was awesome.
Dec 31 Pounce did one heeling session indoors at half-time of the Bulls' game and another just about midnight......to welcome in the New Year. "Baby....It Is Cold Outside!"
Jan 1 This morning at 8 AM it was -8°F with a wind chill of -24°F. Happy Hew Year!!!
Jan 2 Pounce did two session of heeling...first one brief and the other a late night, full session.
Jan 3 ran some singles in the snow and practiced the heeling expectation back to the van
note: The standard for stage #9 is being practiced 24/7.