The domino effect of having no dogs to train had produced a mind altering thought process. The sequence was 1) Pounce became ill and was to be "on the shelf for about two weeks, 2) my wife cancelled the local newspaper (we had subscribed to it for over forty years, 3) more time to spend reading the political forum (which is part of RTF - The Retriever Training Forum) and 4) spending way too much time watching CNN and FOX "news". In about one week's time, my "cynic gene" was no longer dormant and the four letter word "news" took on an entirely different and obnoxious meaning......not unlike the virus Pounce was recovering from.
The chosen treatment was two-fold and consisted of first using cynical humor to deflect the direction and momentum of this non-productive, unhealthy process. The second was replacing the news and TV.....not so easy for me, but the motivation had arrived in full force.
I am a retired physics teacher.... force = mass X acceleration. In the moment, the following old photos were "dug up" to lighten the mood and accelerate the process.
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The Cynic's Corner